2015 m. kovo 26 d., ketvirtadienis

C++ inheritance explained (Part I)

Inheritance in C++ is one of most complex forms of inheritance there is. Understanding, how it works and what hidden features are involved is useful (if not required) to not mess things up.
I'll try to explain it all in detail by examples.
Before we start, there are few things to note:
  • Visibility (both member and inheritance) has no effect, so everything in all examples is public
  • The C++ code will translated to C code to reveal, what is done automatically by compiler
  • The "C++ compiler" is an imaginary one, in attempt to make things simple and clear
  • Namespaces and name mangling are ignored for simplicity (have no impact on inheritance)

The simple inheritance

Let's start with the most trivial example:

class SimpleBase
  int m_some_int;
  void foo(int x) {}
class SimpleDerived : public SimpleBase
  float m_some_float;
  void bar() {}

When compiled, compiler turns it into something like this:

struct SimpleBase
  int m_some_int;
void SimpleBase_foo(SimpleBase *_this, int x) {}
struct SimpleDerived
  SimpleBase _parent;
  float m_some_float;
void SimpleDerive_bar(SimpleDerived *_this) {}

How it works:

  • top level class becomes a struct with member variables matching those of the class
  • methods become functions, that take a pointer (in C++ it's actually a reference) to a corresponding struct as first argument, with other arguments being that of the original method
  • inheritance places parent struct as first member, it has an offset 0, so derived class can be casted to a base one (this is done automatically by compiler)
  • special methods (like constructor) and overloaded operators are also methods and are turned into similar functions
  • static methods are just functions, in this case class serves simply as a namespace plus has some visibility related features

Simple inheritance with polymorphic base class

Let's change the example so that base class is polymorphic:

class PolyBase
  virtual void foo() {}
  void bar() {}
  int m_some_int;
class SimpleDerivedFromPoly : public PolyBase
  virtual void foo() override {}
  void bar() {}
  float m_some_float;

In this case compiler turns base class it into something like this:

struct PolyBase
  void *_vtable;
  int m_some_int;
void PolyBase_foo(PolyBase *_this) {}
void PolyBase_bar(PolyBase *_this) {}

What we see different from simple inheritance is that there is something called _vtable as first member (compiler is free to place it anywhere, but it is usual to place it as first member).
Another thing that changes significantly is how methods are called. Let's take C++ code:

/* PolyBase object; */

Compiler translates it to something like this:

/* PolyBase object; */
_get_method_address(object._vtable, foo)(&object);

The difference you see here is:

  • non-virtual method is a simple function call
  • virtual method call involves so called vtable-lookup: address of method foo is found in vtable (somehow, this is up to compiler), the address is a pointer to function that is called.
The derived class is compiled into:

struct SimpleDerivedFromPoly
  PolyBase _parent;
  float m_some_float;
void SimpleDerivedFromPoly_foo(SimpleDerivedFromPoly *_this) {}
void SimpleDerivedFromPoly_bar(SimpleDerivedFromPoly *_this) {}

Nothing particular here. Let's see how method calls look like:

/* SimpleDerivedFromPoly object */


/* SimpleDerivedFromPoly object */
_get_method_address(object._parent._vtable, foo)(&object);


  • non-virtual method calls the method from child class
  • virtual method call is no different at all (except that _vtable is inside _parent)
  • the actual value of _vtable is different for an object of every class, that's how the correct method is found

Simple inheritance with polymorphism added in derived class

Unlike in previous example, this time let's have simple base class and polymorphic derived:

class SimpleBase
  int m_some_int;
  void foo() {}
class PolymorphicDerived : public SimpleBase
  bool m_some_bool;
  virtual void bar() {}

This results in the following structs:

struct SimpleBase
  int m_some_int;
struct PolymorphicDerived
  void *_vtable;
  SimpleBase _parent;
  bool m_some_bool;

As you see, now things get a bit more complicated, because a pointer to VTable is prepended before parent (it could place it after it too, but I'm placing it this way, because it will make it easier to understand multiple inheritance later)! Let's see how it works!

/* PolymorphicDerived object; */
SimpleBase *base = &object;

When traslated to C, it results in the following. I'll split it to explain individual parts.

/* PolymorphicDerived object; */
SimpleBase *base = &object._parent;

So, as you see, when assigning to base the pointer is automatically shifted by compiler to point to parent! The pointer to base class actually points not to object, but inside it. This enables the simple method call as it would be if had an object of SimpleBase. Calling inherited method from the real object is also different:


in this call not the object is passed as parameter, but the subobject of relevant type.

Last thing to note is downcasting:

/* SimpleBase *base; */
PolymorphicDerived *derived = static_cast<PolymorphicDerived*>(base);
Results in something like this:

/* SimpleBase *base; */
PolymorphicDerived *derived = (PolymorphicDerived*) ((void*)base) - sizeof(void*);

The exact opposite must happen, the pointer must be moved back by pointer size, in order to point at the beginning!
This involves the following things behind scenes:

  • Casting PolymorphicDerived* to void* and then to SimpleBase* will result in invalid pointer (not pointing to subobject part)!
  • Comparing PolymorphicDerived* to SimpleBase* using == or != operator will move one of them (either) by pointer size before comparison

End of Part I. Stay tuned for the next part which will involve one of the scary parts in C++: multiple inheritance!

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